

Normally, for a sperm to fertilize an egg, it should have a normal oval head, neck and a tail. Teratospermia or teratozoospermia is a condition characterized by the presence of large numbers of sperm with an abnormal appearance in a man’s semen. When more than 60% of the sperm have malformations, it can interfere with […]
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While the commonest cause of male infertility is a low sperm count ( the technical term for this is oligospermia), some men are infertile because of poor sperm motility. Normally, at least 50% of sperm should be motile; and this should be good quality progressive motility. This condition is called asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia (astheno = […]
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Oligozoospermia refers to semen with a low sperm concentration or “ sperm count is a common finding in male infertility. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999, a low sperm count is less than 20 million sperm/ml. Causes of oligospermia include obstruction of the normal flow of sperm due to such conditions […]
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Azoospermia is the medical condition of a man not having any measurable level of sperm in his semen. It is associated with very low levels of fertility or even sterility, Azoospermia can be classified into three major types 1. Pretesticular azoospermia 2. Testicular azoospermia 3. Posttesticular azoospermia Pre-testicular Azoospermia Pretesticular azoospermia is characterized by inadequate […]
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Policystic Ovarian Disease

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common reproductive endocrine disease among women of childbearing age. Around 70% of the infertile women coming to our clinic are with PCOS, In fact, 5-10% of teens and young women with irregular menses have this diagnosis. we all know homeopathy is gaining acceptance and popularity among the people […]
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Fallopian Tube Block

Fallopian tube obstruction is a major cause of female infertility. Approximately 20% of female infertility can be attributed to tubal causes Blocked fallopian tubes are unable to let the ovum and the sperm converge, thus making fertilization impossible Distal tubal occlusion (affecting the end towards the ovary) is typically associated with hydrosalpinx formation and often […]
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Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue similar to that which lines the innermost layer   of the uterus, but in a location outside of the uterus. Endometrial tissue is shed each month during menstruation. This blood has no way to exit, it becomes trapped and form a cyst called endometrial cyst . Areas of […]
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Fibroids are benign tumors. Only rarely will they become malignant. They can be located just under the lining of the uterine cavity (submucosal), deep in the muscle of the uterus (intramural) or near the outside of the uterus (subserosal). They can also be on stalks inside the uterine cavity (polypoid) or outside the uterus (pedunculated). […]
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Antisperm Antibodies

Antisperm antibodies arise when the body becomes sensitized to sperm, causing an immune system response that destroys the sperm. Normally, sperm is protected from the immune system by way of a special barrier in the testes. The presence of anti-sperm antibodies (ASA) is a cause of infertility in men and women. Antibodies against sperm can […]
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Women with higher AMH values will tend to have a better response to ovarian stimulation for IVF (in vitro fertilization), with more eggs retrieved. Women with lower AMH have lower antral follicular counts and produce a lower number of oocytes (eggs). AMH levels probably do not reflect egg quality. Having more eggs at the IVF […]
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